Leading physical education resources

We help you improve your physical education lessons. Together we’re building an ever expanding database for all who teach in bilingual education.

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What we offer

Up until now, PE teachers had to reinvent the wheel when teaching in bilingual education. We provide the missing method you’ve been looking for.

Sports Education Transformation Logo

Geïnteresseerd in workshops over (mentale) gezondheid?

In een tijd waarin psychische klachten onder jongeren toenemen, pleit ik voor veel meer aandacht voor de (mentale) gezondheid in het reguliere- en tweetalig onderwijs maar ook binnen de sportverenigingen.

Ik heb hier drie artikelen over gepubliceerd en steeds vaker word ik gevraagd hier iets over te vertellen. Doordat ik nu mijn eigen bedrijf opgestart heb, hoop ik nog veel meer mensen in mijn omgeving te kunnen inspireren en motiveren.

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See and believe

These featured lessons are worth a thousand words. Have a look at some of the greatest examples of what we have to offer.

A word from our founders

Our aim is to build a database with great examples of PE lessons, links and videos which will help you as a PE teacher to integrate English into your PE lessons.

When you teach History or Biology you’ve got an English method or book to use but we PE teachers had to reinvent the wheel ourselves. Until now... Everything will change for the PE teachers after this website is launched.

We want to fill this website with lessons, PIF’s, CLIL ideas and more information for you as a PE teacher.

Are you a PE teacher and do you have great lesson ideas? Please create an account and upload your lessons!

If you have questions or want to help us out in any other way, please get in touch with us at contact@amazingpelessons.com. Feel free to like and share this in your network. Let’s go and built a future filled with CLIL possibilities and amazing PE lessons.

Heather and Christel.